How to use AI Example Hexagon Planet

  • The asset contains an example AI that uses AStar navigation and includes an example of resource extraction.

  • This guide was written to start testing "BP_AIPawn".

  • First of all, make sure that the main GameMode of your card is used by" BP_HexGameMode" (check the manual)

  • For the test, the AI will only move on the ground, but in the future you can change this (see screenshot)

  • Pre-generate a planet and place the required amount of "BP_AIPawn" on it

  • "BP_AIPawn" must be on the surface on which it can move.

  • Now you can launch the game and test the AI, use the left mouse button to highlight the character and the right mouse button to send the AI.

  • If you are having difficulties, then write to me in discord.