User Functions Hexagon Planet


  • BP_YarminStar besides navigation functions contains other functions for working with the planet.

  • FindNearestHexagon - Finds the closest hex to Location and returns the Index of the hex and its lowest point.

  • CorrectPreDataPlanet - this function is used to correct the coordinates of hexagons when the planet is moving, if your planet is in change location or rotation, then before using the functions, correct them using this function and use the exit.

  • GetHexagonContinent - Retrieves information about the continent of a hexagon.

  • GetHexagonLocation - Gives the hex coordinate by index.

  • GetHexagonNeighbors - Gives neighbors hexes.

  • GetHexagonFacesLocations - Returns the coordinates of the hexagon faces.

  • All functions are stored in BP_YarminStar this is done so that you can nativize the given blueprint.

  • If you need more functions, then write to me in the discord, I will add them if possible discord.