Quick start Hexagon Planet

  • After adding the asset to your project, open your main map that will contain the planet and add 3 blueprints to the scene.

  • "BP_HexPlanet", "BP_HexPlanet_Generator", "BP_HISMMaster"

  • Select "BP_HexPlanet_Generator" and set "BP_HISMMaster" and "BP_HexPlanet"

  • Consider the settings

  • IsClearDebug (autofalse bool) - after pressing will remove all permanent debug lines, etc.

  • BP_HexPlanet - you need to select a blueprint that stores data and a procedural mesh

  • IsShowGenerator - if yes, then at the start of the game, it will display a widget

  • BP_HISMMaster - you need to select a blueprint that will store all instances copies of the planet

  • Scale and IsRescalse - if yes, then it will be possible to assign a new size of the planet during generation (may reduce the generation time)

  • BreakAmmount - used to select the number of breaks into hexagons, select before generation to load the desired template

  • Continents - the generator uses tectonic plates, which we move chaotically, after they stop, they have intersections, where they collided above sea level:

  • 0 - below sea level; 1 - sea level; 2 - land; 3 - mountainous area; 4 - mountains;

  • Color - continent color (Replaced by materials)

  • Height - the height of the hex, since the top point of the hex must be higher than the bottom, then the zero height starts from 1.1 and above

  • Meshes - a static mesh that will spawn on the selected surface type and automatically be converted to HISM

  • IsActive - whether to spawn objects from the list

  • You can select several objects, first a random mesh from the list will be selected, and therefore its parameters will be applied

  • Mesh - static mesh

  • Scale - set a new scale

  • RandomazeScale - set random size min, max and multiplied by new scale

  • SpawnChance - spawn chance from 0 to 1

  • MinDistance - The minimum distance between the roots of tectonic plates

  • RootAmmounts - Number of tectonic plates

  • ConnectAmmount - The number of hexes that will join the tectonic plate root before merging

  • Attention: if you specify a large number of roots or too large a minimum distance or ConnectAmmount is more than the number of hexes on the planet, then the generation can go on indefinitely, you can notice this by the lack of progress

  • PlanetSlotName - the name of the slot where the generated planets will be saved or loaded

  • Isrewrite (old SavePlanetFuse) - If yes, then it will overwrite the save if it existed, if not, then it will save if it does not exist and warn if it exists.

  • ClearMesh - clear the Procedural mesh

  • ClearInstances - clear HISM

  • SavePlanet - save the generated planet to the slot

  • LoadPlanet - load a saved planet from a slot

  • StartCreateContinents - start generating a planet

  • Progress - the generation process, stage and percentage are displayed here

  • IsDrawPrintString - Display progress on screen

  • Sometimes you can run the script with errors and it will try to complete the task or you wanted to cancel the generation, in the new version a button was added, "Stop_Script"

  • If you haven't found the instructions you need, you can write to support in discord.